Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: LogPI or Logexplorer?

    Curtis M,

    We did bought LogPI and run into few issues which they fixed but lot of communication between us over few months to get the bugs resolved. The support from...

  • RE: Suggestion for Query Tool

    I found below tool and have use it today and I am impressed.

    Advanced Query Tool

    Try it and let me know your opinion.

  • RE: Suggestion for Query Tool


    We need alternate to QA because we also need to query DB2. The tool will be used by developers and entry level DBA. Maily tool will be use for querying...

  • RE: LogPI Performance


    We use LogPi as well. We had those issues as well except the third one in your list. We didn't had any network errors. LogPI has imporved their software a...

  • RE: Third Party Log Utilities - Recommendations?

    We use logpi. In last few months they have come up with new version which are much beter then older versions. The scanning speed has been improved. Stability is good too....

  • RE: LogPI or Logexplorer?


    Thanks for the response but its too late. I don't remember any specifics at the moment as the testing I was performing was in month of April this year.


  • RE: TempDB is Full Error

    I have exactly same error and am trying to solve it. The tempdb.mdf file grown to 5 gb. I run dbcc statements but the file size is still the same....

  • RE: Query submission via email


    Before posting to this forum I did went to the route you suggested but for some reason xp_sendmail gives me error. I googled and found that few other people have...

  • RE: Seven Monitoring Scripts


  • RE: LogPI or Logexplorer?


    I did installed and I run in to ADO problem to begin with. Apex SQL does not support ADO 2.5 (Win 2K) and I use Win 2K. I then did...

  • RE: LogPI or Logexplorer?

    I am trying both at the moment and like Log PI. Both have pros and cons. Log explorer has notification, indexing on search, more instance captured etc.

    On the other hand...

  • RE: Transaction Log software


    I dowanloaded ApexSQL Log and installed it but to start with it give me below erorr.

    Apexsql has detected ado version 2.5. Apexsql works on only version 2.6 and above.

    I will...

  • RE: Transaction Log software

    The transaction log file I am testing the product (log explorer) is @ 6gb. I have couple of issue and are listed below.

    1. It takes @ 1-2 hour when...

  • RE: Transaction Log software

    Hi all,

    I really appriciate your contribution to this thread.



  • RE: Transaction Log software


    I think Log Explorer and Log PI, both has log reader capability. Could you please highlight your experience with any of these products.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)