Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)

  • Reply To: The Right to Repair

    This is a subject that has irked me for years.  Software companies not allowing you to fix the issues in their software.  And more recently, with the addition of the...

  • Reply To: Sabotage at Work

    Working for county government, I can say that the OSS methods are alive and well.  Inefficient workers/managers are in abundance, promoted regularly, and given raises equal to the efficient workers. ...

  • Reply To: Bad Managers

    Keeping this short and sweet. With around 25 years of I.T. experience, I can safely say that good managers are a fantasy.  If you have had one, you have been...

  • Reply To: Laptop Recommendations for 2019

    I had an ASUS 17" gaming laptop that I used for about 6 years, and it was keeping up just fine, though the only upgrade I did to it was...

  • Reply To: Upgrading Your OS

    I am one of those that is running a Windows 7 machine at home just for the Media Center to act as my DVR.  I haven't had time to research...

  • Reply To: You're not really that good at SQL Server

    This is a pretty good article, as I know I fall short in areas of SQL Server that I should be better with. And there are lots of positions...

  • RE: Horrible Bosses

    Good article Steve.  This one really hit home, as I am currently under the worst boss of my working life.  The hard thing with this one is that I am...

  • RE: The Challenge of Failure and of Being Unwired

    Nice post today!  I take a 2 week absence from work every year around the holidays, and it gets more stressful each year.  Not because of the holidays, and dealing...

  • RE: How do you keep yourself from burning out?

    Oh this hits close to home.  I currently work in an environment that many other employees refer to as toxic.  I have been here for 13 years, am the most...

  • RE: Intrinsic or Extrinsic

    I started messing with computers in high school when you had to connect to the local state university via modem, the kind where you dialed the number and put the...

  • RE: Does Your Work Attire Really Make a Difference?

    In my current position, from day 1 we were required to wear an approved polo type or button up shirt with the department name and county logo, so that as...

  • RE: Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Good Co-workers

    Nice article, and it could not be more true.  I am the only DBA in our shop, in title, and it sure would be nice to be able to bounce...

  • RE: A New New World

    Star Trek has given us all the illusion of job security.  After all, how many times are they searching the Starfleet Database?  They can find out how many squares of...

  • RE: My Problem, or Yours?

    Great article, and can I relate.  If the error the user sees says Database Connection Timeout, that definitely means it is a SQL problem right?  Been working on this error...

  • RE: What do you do to relax after work?

    Really glad to see what other people do to shake off the job nightmares when they close the office door behind them.  Been looking for more ideas myself.  I know...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)