Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: How to add a total in a column on a table ???

    Can you clarify your question a little more. Are you looking for a running total, the total for the row, or the column total. You did say supplier total, are...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Displaying a Pop-up message in SSRS 2005

    This was done in SSRS 2005 and I was able to get it working only locally. I didn't realize it was not working once you deploy it. I have not...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Displaying a Pop-up message in SSRS 2005

    It is not possible to stop the call to db after you run the report. The possible work around could be, in you dataset you can check the value of...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Displaying a Pop-up message in SSRS 2005

    sorry guys if it did not work for you. I will have to get back to you guys at a later date after I get a chance to look at...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Hide Table Columns

    I got your email.. that is something I have worked on. My explanation would still stick along the line I mentioned earlier. If it was not clear, let me go...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Hide Table Columns

    I believe your XML is being rendered as an HTML out here.. I will send you my email address.. Just email me your rdl as an attachment. I will try...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Hide Table Columns

    In your solution explorer, right click your rdl and click the view code. That will give you the XML version of your rdl. Copy paste that in here.. I will...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Hide Table Columns

    So the Categories A, B and C are the actual data or the field name? If they are the actual data, the solution I proposed earlier should work.. well it...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Hide Table Columns

    What is your table structure like?

    Are X and Y the column of the same table?

    Can you may be re-state what are the columns of your table and what is the...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Hide Table Columns

    Try something like this.

    For your ColumnX, change the visibility expression to:

    = IIF((ReportItems!txtBoxClmnX.Value = "A") OR (ReportItems!txtBoxClmnX.Value = "B") OR (ReportItems!txtBoxClmnX.Value = "C"), False, True)

    Here txtBoxClmnX...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: IIF help needed

    if ( Sum (IIF(IsNothing(Fields1.Value), 0, Fields1.Value)), Field3.value) = 0 ) then



    (Sum (IIF(IsNothing(Fields2.Value), 0, Fields2.Value), Field3.value) / Sum (IIF(IsNothing(Fields1.Value), 0, Fields1.Value), Field3.value)

    i am struck in between, Can anybody please tell me...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: SSRS: Multivalue Parameter list including Null

    Yup I see what you are saying. It is a PL SQL that I am using.. very similar to T-SQL ; I will definitely look at the way you suggested....


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: SSRS: Multivalue Parameter list including Null

    Thanks Jack but I got an error running the statement. This is the error statement I got..



    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: Find a change in address in a result set

    What did you mean by "The dates do not necessarily reflect when a change in address was made so you could have rows and rows where the same address is...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

  • RE: SSRS: Multivalue Parameter list including Null

    Thank you again Jack. I would love to have you look at my rdl but I am not sure about the policy so let me try to lay out the...


    always Happy, always Prasanna 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)