Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 77 total)

  • RE: Email a Status Sheet?

    SQL Server is pretty nifty at sending emails as longs as you use Exchange, do a search on "SQL Mail" on books online for starters. From memory the Exchange client...

  • RE: migrating data to new box

    Also, the SQL Enterprise Manager 'Generate SQL Script' tool is damn good! I would definitely use this even if you only use the generated scripts as backup (e.g. to drop...

  • RE: migrating data to new box

    That link says it all really!

    (i) Be careful with collations. We've had tempdb problems with migrated dbs when the Server and db collations differ. (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS vs Latin1_General_CI_AS). This may happen...

  • RE: Transactions hanging when calling remote stored procedures

    The DTC Service is running but the associated  Message Queuing service hasn't been installed for some reason - this is almost certainly the problem. I will check with the guy who...

  • RE: Transactions hanging when calling remote stored procedures

    Yes, the RPC sets up parameters and calls the remote procedure in the form 'EXEC server.db.owner.proc', passing a mix of varchar and numeric params.

  • RE: Regarding connection from SQL Server to ASP.NET Application

    The username should be at the end of the error message.

  • RE: Regarding connection from SQL Server to ASP.NET Application

    I think you are making this more complicated than you need to. As the message implies, the client is trying to connect with a loginname that has not been set...

  • RE: Is XML the Answer?

    We use XML all over the place not because we need it, nor because it's better than other ways of retrieving data but because 3 years ago it was hot and...

  • RE: Full Reset of Identity

    How about selecting every column apart from the identity cloumn into a temp table, inserting into the temp table using a SELECT DISTINCT, truncating the main table then inserting the contents...

  • RE: dbo problem

    Oh no! Sounds like my nasty-and-illadvised-but-very-useful fixes to system tables may not work under SQL 2005!

    A slightly more elegant and safe option than updating sysobjects is to use it to...

  • RE: backup restore...problem

    I tend to ignore the taskbar, it can be misleading. In fact, it's hard to find out any info on the progress of a database restore while it's happening (e.g....

  • RE: Users From Hell

    I enjoyed this piece too, particularly the consultant sketch - very true and very recognisable! There must be an interesting psychological study behind why managers trust consultants so much and why...

  • RE: Need help reading identity across linked server


    I think you and Prithiviraj have taken this as far as you can. You have to execute the identity check on the remote SQL Server (SQL2) and pass the result...

  • RE: Looking For A Career Move?

    Bill Gates' knighthood got a fair bit of publicity over here in the UK. Apparently the previous evening the Queen had hosted a bash for the music industry where she was introduced...

  • RE: Database Cloning?

    I would generate a script on the database to be cloned, create a new db and execute the script on that DB.

    In SQL EM, right click on the db to...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 77 total)