migrating data to new box

  • due to performance issues (high CPU%), we are migrating to a new Server.  I currenltly have 13 DB's plus system DB's (Master, model, msdb) on old box.  In order to move to new box, here is my plan:

    1- kick everyone out of the pool

    2- do a few row counts on Master and coupla DB's for a "before" count

    3- backup (full) all DB's

    4- migrate b/up data accross network to new RAID

    5- restore sys DB's (Master first)

    6- restore other DB's

    7- row counts from #2 for comparison "after" count


    Am I missing anything?  my user/login info should be OK since I will restore Master, yes?

  • That link says it all really!

    (i) Be careful with collations. We've had tempdb problems with migrated dbs when the Server and db collations differ. (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS vs Latin1_General_CI_AS). This may happen if you are migrating from SQL 7 to SQL 2000 or even from a SQL 2000 box upgraded from 7 to a vanilla 2000 install. tempdb will retain the original collation even though you have restored the system dbs.

    (ii) The restore of master should take care of Windows groups & Windows users but.....I would not be too surprised if you end up dropping and recreating these.

    (iii) You'll have to do a nasty fix on msdb..sysjobs to get SQL Server Agent jobs to work. It's safer to script them out.

    UPDATE sysjobs SET originating_server = '{new server}'

    Good luck!



  • Also, the SQL Enterprise Manager 'Generate SQL Script' tool is damn good! I would definitely use this even if you only use the generated scripts as backup (e.g. to drop & recreated logins & usernames).

  • yep, the link to MS Support just about covers it.

    I would have missed the orphaned user bit, even though we went over that in 2072 class a month ago.

    Thanx All!

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