Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: Available bytes for row expansion (adding columns) in a table


    I don't understand the variable length computation. Why do you use the max aggregate and not the sum ?


    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: How to Connect to SQL server 2000

    I had the same problem but I don't remember how I fixed it 😀

    It could be one of the following :

    - Try using another protocol in the ODBC client configuration...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: Collation question

    That's right, changing server's collation is not appropriate in this case.

    COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT worked fine for me.

    Another solution could be to use a table object instead of a temporary table.

    It looks...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: Collation question

    Aaaaaah DATABASE_DEFAULT that's what I needed 🙂

    Many thanks Jonnie !

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: Collation question

    It looks like there is a fourth collation level : server level.

    So, yes, I know the problem is that the collation differs between the temporary table in the database table......

    Patrick Duflot



    Be sure you apply 'WITH NO LOCK' on every table of your FROM clause...

    On the other hand, I think you should first find which INSERT/UPDATE statement holds locks for such...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: Problem with RAISERROR and ODBC

    Thanks for yout reply.

    Yes, SQLGetDiagRec gives me the right error message. I cannot make the difference between an error and a warning with this information.

    On the other hand, SQLGetDiagField with...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: Query Help ???

    Try this

    SELECT MI.MainItems, '' AS Substitute, MI.Quantity

    FROM MainItemsTable MI


    SELECT MI.MainItems, SI.SubstituteItems AS Substitute, SI.Quantity

    FROM MainItemsTable AS MI

    INNER JOIN SubstituteItemsTable AS SI ON MI.MainItems = SI.MainItems

    ORDER BY MainItems, Substitute


    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: Crosstab

    I got quite the same. I also included year and day of year in the group by clause to work on more thant one day.

    select ct.Location, ct.Name, datepart(year, startdate) as...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: select from n x 8 relationship

    Thank you very much for your reply, it really speeds up the query

    Another question comes to my mind. If I need to return...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: How to avoid those empty result sets ?

    This is what i was looking for. Thanks John.

    There are a bunch of set options I am not aware of. I should have a...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: How to avoid those empty result sets ?

    Here is the code of the sp. its goal is to linearly distribute positions across the range [0..INT_MAX[ while maintaining 25% free slots at the end of the range.

    create procedure...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: Query Date Range Against Date Range


    I tried to solve your problem as an exercise. don't know if it helps.

    I image you could you the following schema

    Table Employee : Id as Int, Name as char(50), Title...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: Creating Installer w/ MSDE: Need to start server for OSQL

    You can start SQLServer service with SQL DMO as in the following VB code.

    Public Sub StartSQLService(MachineName as String)

    Dim MySqlServer as SQLDMO.SQLServer

    Set MySqlServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer

    MySqlServer.Start False,...

    Patrick Duflot

  • RE: Looking for a tool to randomly populate a DB

    I'll check that out

    Thank you Markus


    Patrick Duflot

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)