Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

  • RE: Find Duplicate Set

    Are you trying to ensure that a privId that you are about to associate with a roleID is not used by a different roleID? To do so you could do...

  • RE: trouble loading simple text file

    I have sorted the problem! When I changed the file type from ANSI to OEM everything was fine. What is the OEM format? Why were the imports working fine until now?



  • RE: ftp task not connecting

    Brain, The IE browser is in active mode when I managed to access the ftp so so I don't think it is to do with the ftp mode (I suspected it might...

  • RE: ftp task not connecting

    Thank you for your replies. I tried pinging the ftp address, but got the "host unknown" error. Does this mean that IE & WS Pro have a different method of...

  • RE: stored procedure problem

    Thank you for your help. After working through the suggestions you gave I concluded that the stored procedure wasn't seeing any data in the table! When I looked at the...

  • RE: replacing a string in all sps

    I was expecting a complex script that scans sys objects table - instead this was really simple and worked great! Cheers!

  • RE: connecting to a second instance of sql server

    We finally solved our problem! All that needed to be done was to install the latest version of MDAC on the IIS server.

    Thank you for your help.

  • RE: connecting to a second instance of sql server

    Thank you very much for your replies. Specifying the port number with a comma did the trick when connecting from an IIS server on the same domain.

    Unfortunately I still have...

  • RE: Locks / Process ID with .net

    This is an anwer that I got elsewhere:

    What you may be seeing is the connection pooling

    trying to maximize connection availablity and instead of creating/destroying

    connections constantly it creates several connections that...

  • RE: delete rows beyond the first 10?

    This might do the trick:SELECT * FROM calendar AS cWHERE c.eventID NOT IN (SELECT TOP 10 eventid FROM calendar AS nc WHERE nc.categoryID=c.categoryID ORDER BY eventDate)Is there a way that...

  • RE: A database design dilema

    Thank you for your reply. What you have proposed could prove to be a more elegant solution, however the front end users want to have a clear distinction between the...

  • RE: can't insert more than 255 characters into a colum

    If I was you I would double check to ensure that the string is truncated when it is stored rather than when it is displayed. Try doing

    Select len(comments) from testtable


  • RE: can't insert more than 255 characters into a colum

    It is possible that your database compatibility was set to sql server 65 which I believe has a limit of 255 on the varchar fields. You can use sp_dbcmptlevel to...

  • RE: can't insert more than 255 characters into a colum


    How are you inserting and retrieving this value. Is it directly through the query analyser or from your program? Some programing languages have a limit of 255 characters on the...

  • RE: xp_sendmail function

    You can find information on sending HTML mail from sql using CDO on

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)