Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Defensive Programming

    Google, the first port of call for all your obscure literature referencing needs 😀

    Points well earned? Yes, sometimes it is better to admit you do not know something and seek...

    "With great power comes great responsibility"

  • RE: Truncate rollback

    Lost points but learned a feature difference between 2005 and 2008 so points well spent in my book

    "With great power comes great responsibility"

  • RE: SSMS - feature

    A good question about which i had no idea so had to take a guess.

    With the question title of SSMS feature though i could only see one answer that represented...

    "With great power comes great responsibility"

  • RE: JOIN issue

    You can use a left join checking for Null

    select a.*

    from TableA a left join TableB b

    on =

    where is null

    "With great power comes great responsibility"

  • RE: SQL2005 constantly using up 50%+ cpu.. help?

    If you query sysprocesses when your experiencing the CPU pressure what results do you get back in terms of wait types?

    Or if you have performance dashboard installed this will graph...

    "With great power comes great responsibility"

  • RE: Truncate Table in a Linked Server

    thanks 😀

    "With great power comes great responsibility"

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)