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Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 73 total)

  • RE: rarely used procedures in db

    Thanks clear now.....

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  • RE: rarely used procedures in db

    This has given some direction but not serving my need exactly...

    can any one please post any query( may be using dmv) to get unused objects list directly..

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  • RE: Overlapping indexes misunderstood..

    overlapping indexes are the indexes which overlapped over the columns...for example..if i have 3 indexes..

    index 1 is on Table1 on col1,col2,col3

    index 2 is on Table1 on col1,col2

    index 3 is...

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  • RE: Row transpose

    Second one is so sweet and fast as you....thanks again......

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  • RE: Row transpose

    Wonderful deserve a great Applause...

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  • RE: help in avoiding loop

    Thanking all for responses..

    I did some work on this procedure..rewritten the code without using while loops...tried having tally table to insert the values from comma separated string into temp tables...

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  • RE: Finding columns which are FKs and having no indexes

    One more question which i missed in Original Post..

    Does it require to have an index on FK columns. can any one please post possitives and negatives of having an index...

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  • RE: Finding columns which are FKs and having no indexes

    Thanks for the query. It works great.........

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  • RE: Create table dynamically using loop

    Is this you are looking for?

    declare @tblStr varchar(max)

    declare @intMnth int

    set @intMnth =1

    while @intmnth < 12


    set @tblStr = 'CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DERInfo_2010'+cast(@intmnth as varchar(10))+'](

    [trnxid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [DDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,


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  • RE: Auto commit

    Thanks ALZDBA...

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  • RE: Error while querying DMvs

    Thanks Bru..i donot have access to Server. i will ask DBA to set this permission..

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  • RE: Error while querying DMvs / where to set the permission?

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  • RE: SQL 2008 Installation

    Thanks Bru...

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  • RE: Uninstalling SQL 2k components

    Thanks bru for response..

    One more thing i missed in my original post is...compatiblilty level for the DBs in SQL 2005 is set to 80. does it have any dependency on...

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  • RE: how to post query ...

    Thanks..I will try when i post next query ...

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Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 73 total)