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  • RE: Flatfile generation on app server

    Thanks you opc..

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  • RE: how do in insert into table after splitting using tally?

    Garadin. I call you a magician. wonderful. works great.

    Yes, This is one time load. task accomplished

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  • RE: Says invalid object name after renaming proc..


    I figured it out.........The developer was writing stupid code inside proc which caused all these mess up.

    if you see the proc which i sent in my initial mail..there is a...

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  • RE: Says invalid object name after renaming proc..

    am the db_owner...

    even i did renaming on other systems succesfully. i dont know what went erong this time....

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  • RE: Says invalid object name after renaming proc..

    Even restart did not help...still the same error....:crying:

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  • RE: Says invalid object name after renaming proc..

    Ninja..I tried clearing proc cache and that does not help..I might reboot in some time from now..

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  • RE: Says invalid object name after renaming proc..

    Nope..It did not work this way too...:(

    Still the same error..

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  • RE: Says invalid object name after renaming proc..

    I have saved copy of the script.

    I didnot understand manual deleting part. i have tried dropping and recreating , which does not worked.

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  • RE: Says invalid object name after renaming proc..

    I have tried executing

    exec dbo.sproc_NR_EWMDupVIN...

    it says the same error..

    Invalid object name 'dbo.sproc_NR_EWMDupVIN'.

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  • RE: Says invalid object name after renaming proc..

    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sproc_NR_EWMDupVIN] Script Date: 03/02/2011 12:03:00 ******/





    Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc_NR_EWMDupVIN]



    declare @AlertMasterID int

    declare @ProcessingDate datetime

    declare @DealerID int

    declare @vin nchar(20)

    declare @DupFinancedDate...

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  • RE: Says invalid object name after renaming proc..

    yes ..dbo is the owner

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  • RE: Row transpose

    Mark-101232 .. You rock...I was struggling with pivot..and you gave a solution by not using PIVOT..Thanks a lot mark....

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  • RE: Row transpose

    I understand your suggestion regarding not to use in t-sql. But few things which are out of our control makes us to use these inside t-sql.

    I appreciate if you can...

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  • RE: Logshipping failure

    Thanks all..Restoring the latest full backup from source fixed the issue.

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  • RE: Logshipping failure


    Run as: SQl server agent

    Command: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\sqllogship.exe" -Restore 02443D0C-6EE6-4139-B9B9-6E272E0324B8 -server EBFFwoe3

    in view job history, error Message is..

    Executed as user: EBFFwoe3\SYSTEM. The step failed.

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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 73 total)