Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: Annoyances

    I'll have to agree with the people who mentioned the 'story tellers' - a guy I work with tells you the same stories over and over again and just goes...

  • RE: The Vacation Dilemma

    I had worked at a company where they developed the project plans with NO consideration for people's vacation time. Meaning, if you had 3 weeks worth of tasks to...

  • RE: The End of the Line

    Yes, I am looking forward to retirement as well, although at 45 I still have a little way to go.  I agree with Steve, the older you get the more...

  • RE: SQL Server Logs

    You may also want to check the audit level for the server.  If you don't really need to capture all logins (maybe just failed logins), that would reduce the size...

  • RE: Use Lotus Notes as SQL Mail

    Oops, would help if I posted the link to the article.


  • RE: Use Lotus Notes as SQL Mail


    I had found this KB article about setting up SQL mail with an Internet mail server.  If you look at the 'More Information' paragraph, it states that you shouldn't use...

  • RE: Use Lotus Notes as SQL Mail

    SQL Server 2005 doesn't require an Outlook client; you can just specify an SMTP server to use for DBA mail.

  • RE: Use Lotus Notes as SQL Mail

    We have the same environment at my company, using Lotus Notes.  As previously mentioned, you can install the Outlook client on the server and configure a POP3 server, and then...

  • RE: The Support Joke

    Back in the late 80's I was working in the systems support group of a company that sold turnkey computer systems.  One day I received a call from a fellow...

  • RE: Enduser based ad-hoc report writer?

    Don't know if you sat in on the webcast from Microsoft a few weeks ago, but they plan to release a end-user ad-hoc tool for Reporting Services to allow end...

  • RE: Veritas Backup Strategy

    If your network admins allow it, it probably would be best to use Veritas for both database and transaction log backups.  That way, when restoring from Veritas, the backup sets...

  • RE: Disk services times

    Have you tried using Performance Monitor from the OS?  The Physical Disk performance Object has several counters for Activity%, Reads/Writes per sec., etc.  If the server is dedicated to SQL, PM...

  • RE: Displaying Permissions

    Check the newsletter from Wed., 3/17.  There is a tool described in the featured article section that a user posted which will export user permissions to an Excel spreadsheet.  I've...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)