Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)

  • RE: Log shipping works, but copy jobs faill all the time...

    It could be that you have network latency, so the time it takes to copy a tranlog file could exceed the interval that you have set for the copies. 


    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: Log shipping monitor out of sync

    Probe uses sql-authenticated account.  I actually had to resync again yesterday, WITH a remove/recreate of log-shipping (side note: I changed dump directory names on the primary, and modfied the logshipping...

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: Log shipping monitor out of sync

    I have the same issue.  Databases are in sync primary -> log-shipped copy & there are no failures of copy/restore on the target.  If you look at properties, you can...

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: SQL Agent is Failing to Start with SSL Provider Error

    Did you check that the account used to start the SQL Server service is a local admin?


    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: How do I remove transactions marked for replication?

    Yes, thanks for your note.  However, if you refer to my original posting, you will notice that I did execute sp_repldone with success.  The information & string was in BOL; but,...

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: How do I remove transactions marked for replication?

    FYI:  sp_detach_db followed by sp_attach_single_file_db (removing the .ldf in between) appears to be the only way to resolve this, following results of a google search. 

    The bug is SQL2K, and supposedly...

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: Log shipping - promote standby server

    Have you thought about simply disabling the log-shipping copy & restore jobs (at the primary and secondary sites, respectively) + the monitoring for those jobs, then bringing the databases online at...

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: Cluster and linked server to ms access

    Are you using the virtual server/instance name when accessing the cluster as opposed to the physical node?

    Also, the ODBC DSN settings need to be identically created on each physical node of the cluster a,b.

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: Important Things

    Well, I have always believed that the best managers are hands-on, at the frontline, and not only assigning on-call, but participating as well.  The only way that one can know what...

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: Important Things

    Nice -- long -- email, but it struck me as more than a little self-serving, particuarly since you had one foot out the door already. 

    If you were working in...

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: Unattended installation of SP4

    This is just an observation, but wouldn't you prefer to be awake and check that the installation was successful and the instances recovered correctly following the server reboot? 

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: copy tables with indexes

    Create table with index, then bcp (export/import); however, the bcp process will take *much* longer.

    It is more efficient to create the tables afterwards.

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: copy tables with indexes

    Bulk-copy into new tables (no indexes), and then create the indexes following.

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: Log Shipping errors

    Try copying the files and restoring them at a 2 hr. interval (to correspond to the tranlog dump) so that the timestamps are maintained in sequence?  We have setup DR using log-shipping...

    Regards, Melissa

  • RE: Cannot DROP PROCEDURE ''''duplicate_in_combolists'''' because it is being referenced by object ''''combolists_unique''''.

    Save a copy of combolists_unique somewhere, drop it & then drop duplicate_in_combolists. 

    Modify the stored proc to remove the referenced dependency (or fix up the table and recreate it), then...

    Regards, Melissa

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)