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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: Double Insert?

    Well, its been a week and i have not seen a single duplicate. I think its fairly safe to say this has been resolved by changing ident_Current

    to scope_identity

    Thank You all...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    Thank you everyone for the advise.

    I changed all my stored procedures to use Scope_Identity. I do believe that majority of my problems were a direct result of the situation described...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    Well one browser window==one session right?

    As long as everything happens in one browser window i'm alright i think

  • RE: Double Insert?

    This post has gone off track because we were discussing where the problem might lie. I believe it lies with sql server while others believe it may be the web...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    well you concluded wrong becuase in my example:

    Item item=Session["item"] this statement gives me the reference to the acutal object not a copy of it.

    so then when do




    it effectively locks the...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    What you described cannot happen because i do this before changing anything (pseudo code):

    Item item=Session["item"];

    lock(item) // item==Session["item"] so any subsequent hit has to wait to get access to the object...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    Al, the StartDate column i populated by getdate() function. GetDate() is set as default value on the column itself that is why you dont see it in the stored proc.


  • RE: Double Insert?

    In my testing i recruited another guy to help me and we synchronized our clicks (the best we could) and still saw nothing.

    This is an intranet application and people...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    Well Gentlemen, those are very sound suggestions... however.

    I've been down this road countless times. Stepped through my code,ran the profiler,had other eyes look at my code etc.

    No matter what i...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    Well to get into an argument with you but...

    It really is the sql server that decides if the record exists or not. The webapplication displays all the ids it received...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    Its pretty simple to decide if the object i have is new or not.

    If they clicked on something existing i have its id if no id then its new.

  • RE: Double Insert?

    You are correct i could use the not exist but why? Checking a variable for a value you know the column can never have is just as effective but quicker

  • RE: Double Insert?

    @stageID is acually INPUTOUTPUT and is initialized in the web app to -1

    I use to decide if i'm dealing with a "new" object (insert needed) or an existing one (update...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I will convert all my stored procs to use scope_identity as i do think that may be part of my problem

    It does not appear...

  • RE: Double Insert?

    No. Not a single trigger on the entire database.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)