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Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

  • RE: Field Level Auditing using Change Data Capture - Part 1

    In "normal" web application it is not the logged in user that access the database, but a single trusted nt user or a sql user in the connecting string.

    So where...

    Best Regards Martin Nyborg - Perfection is a process, not an end-point.

  • RE: A Google-like Full Text Search

    Thanks for the answer

    I had a suspicion that i needed to OR or AND a lot of contains expression. Was just hoping that I could get it all for free:P

    Best Regards Martin Nyborg - Perfection is a process, not an end-point.

  • RE: A Google-like Full Text Search

    Thanks for the great article. As soon as I read it. I started to implement full text search on our most used table.

    I have altered the code to use CONTAINSTABLE(tblsite,*,@ftsQuery)...

    Best Regards Martin Nyborg - Perfection is a process, not an end-point.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)