Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)


    database is on windows nt server. its a terminal sever. due to heavy network activity the system dumped. on restart sql server is showing suspect db. but error logs i...


    hi all

    i googled on how to recover a suspect db.

    i found the most viable thing to do is taking the database offline, dertach the db, see whether ldf file...


    sorry for typing in caps. the system tray icon has become grau in color, in enterprise manager if i click on plus next to database it is not expanding. the...

  • RE: RUNTIME ERROR 2147467259(80004005)


    thanks for the support. i ran dbcc and found no problems. i was trying all possibilities. the problem got solved but i donno why was the problem occurring only for...

  • RE: RUNTIME ERROR 2147467259(80004005)

    thanks for the response. all other users are not facing this problem. how come database is corrupt.

  • RE: RUNTIME ERROR 2147467259(80004005)

    i traced to the recordset which was giving the error. the error was occurring when that particular query was run even in sql query analyzer.

    the error isfrom backend and...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)