Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: RSClintPrint

    We run into this issue almost every time our SQL Servers have a major update (currently running SQL 2008 R2 SP2). The RS print control (rsclientprint.dll ) gets updated and...

  • RE: SSIS and Operating Systems Other than Windows!

    Could you setup Samba on the Linux / Unix server and then create a Windows share that SSIS could reference?

  • RE: Truncating Date

    Here  a script you can use to test the 3 methods.

    There is a measureable difference between the convert to varchar and the other 2 options.

    Only when you increase the number of...

  • RE: Incorrect Host Name

    In theory, a File DSN is faster only because during the initial connection, the computer does not have to do a Registry look up to...

  • RE: Incorrect Host Name

    IN my testing, yes you have to remove the WSID parameter all together.

    Leaving it blank in the connection string ;WSID=; displays nothing in SQL Server.

    Also, as you make changes to...

  • RE: Incorrect Host Name

    Yes the table properties are read only when viewed that way. If you want to modify the connection string via code here is a sample you could use as a...

  • RE: Incorrect Host Name

    You can use the "Linked Table Manager" (menu option Tools | Database Utilities | Linked Table Manager) to change the DSN to point to another DSN  (such as a file DSN)...

  • RE: Incorrect Host Name

    In MS Access, after you select the DSN you want to use as your link, the SQL Server Login form pops up.

    Click the Options>> button & then clear the Workstation...

  • RE: Introduction to ADO Part 2 - Recordsets

    Great topic Andy.


    There is another way to reference data in recordset fields that is potentially faster than using the ordinal field position.

    Create explicit ADODB field objects & use these...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)