Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: How to handle Currency Rate Exceptions

    Based on your more complete description of the situation, this should work:

    DATATABLE (UniqueKeyColumn1, UniqueKeyColumn2, UniqueKeyColumn3, ValueInOneCurrency)

    EXCEPTIONTABLE (UniqueKeyColumn1, UniqueKeyColumn2, UniqueKeyColumn3, ConversionRate)

    SELECT  DATATABLE.ValueInOneCurrency * ISNULL(

  • RE: Need help streamlining view with multiple subquery outside lookups

    Simply moving the lookup tables to the local server (but keeping the code otherwise the same) made a significant impact - query time was reduced from 8:56 to 2:39 (over...

  • RE: How to handle Currency Rate Exceptions

    What about doing the following:

    TABLE1 (UniqueKeyColumn1, UniqueKeyColumn2, UniqueKeyColumn3, ValueInOneCurrency)

    TABLE2 (UniqueKeyColumn1, UniqueKeyColumn2, UniqueKeyColumn3, ConversionRate)

    SELECT  TABLE1.ValueInOneCurrency * TABLE2.ConversionRate AS Final_Value


  • RE: Need help streamlining view with multiple subquery outside lookups

    >>How many rows are in [V_DM GM_Sales Primary Contact Info]? <<

    About 47,000 records.

    >>Is your data, such as phone numbers, truly messed up enough that you can't...

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)