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Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: error when using sp_executesql on a linked server


    yes I tried what you suggested and it works, problem right now is if I insert the result to my local instance I still get the same error .. so...

  • RE: error when using sp_executesql on a linked server

    @r.dragoi-1095738, @learningforearning - thanks for your help so far

    @r.dragoi-1095738 - i ran the statement you gave ...

    i'm not sure if it was doing this before but when I removed the...

  • RE: error when using sp_executesql on a linked server


    access check cache bucket count01638400

    access check cache quota0214748364700

    Ad Hoc Distributed Queries0100

    affinity I/O mask-2147483648214748364700

    affinity mask-2147483648214748364700

    Agent XPs0111

    allow updates0100

    awe enabled0100

    backup compression default0100

    blocked process threshold (s)08640000

    c2 audit mode0100

    clr enabled0100

    common criteria compliance enabled0100

    cost threshold for...

  • RE: error when using sp_executesql on a linked server


    allow updates0100

    backup compression default0100

    clr enabled0100

    cross db ownership chaining0100

    default language0999900

    filestream access level0200

    max text repl size (B)-121474836476553665536

    nested triggers0111

    remote access0111

    remote admin connections0100

    remote login timeout (s)021474836472020

    remote proc trans0100

    remote query timeout (s)02147483647600600

    server trigger recursion0111

    show advanced...

  • RE: error when using sp_executesql on a linked server

    @learningforearning - thanks for the reply, but I am now getting the following error:

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @command_01

    'EXEC' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

  • RE: error when using sp_executesql on a linked server

    @r.dragoi-1095738 - thanks for the reply, I actually tried that already but still had errors. I was just wondering why am I getting errors if I use sp_executesql while if...

  • RE: error when using sp_executesql on a linked server


    this line actually has the square brackets on it

    set @command_01 = 'EXEC ['+@ServerName+'].master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives'

    the result of @command_01 runs properly if I execute the script manually however if I use

    exec sp_executesql...

  • RE: creating T-SQL to automate backup job creation

    thanks Vic, it worked!! now i can continue with my script 🙂

    again thanks a lot

  • RE: creating T-SQL to automate backup job creation

    thanks for the reply Vic.

    i did try your script but it still gives me a problem, it will create the first job and have an error for the others.

    if i...

  • RE: creating T-SQL to automate backup job creation

    i didn't copy and paste the whole script but it also has statements for creating job schedules, steps etc...

    i created a db named JobsDB which contains an ID (auto-increment) and...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)