Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 54 total)

  • Reply To: Moving in the Post Pandemic World

    I wouldn't move. Good neighbors, kids in a good school, four seasons (without a crushing Winter)... it doesn't get much better than this.

    If I was given relocation, maybe I'd get...

  • RE: Insert without a PK

    Maybe there was a line missing about disable?

    For me (version 10.50.6000) the first was inserted and the second failed with the message:

    Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 17

    Violation of...

  • RE: The Vacation Dilemma

    There's already so much posted that I'm not sure my thoughts will help, but...

    1. I recently went on a cruise for a week and with data rates being about $1.20...


    Great reminder that the "ON" clause and "WHERE" clause conditions are not equivalent.

    I generally don't filter in the ON clause because it is easy for the query to get messed...

  • RE: Staging Deployments

    They happen at the same time here. We are a almost always a one person per project shop, so I'm not sure my input is worth much to others.

    I have...

  • RE: Windows Server 2012 and Hyper-V

    Yeah, all of our new servers are required to be virtual for the last two years unless there's a 'business reason' for not doing it - and the only 'accepted...


    Good question.

    #2 fooled me - I didn't notice the table name was missing, and I wasn't familiar with DEFAULT VALUES as valid data - can't see myself using it but...

  • RE: Leveling the Field

    Small companies are really cool environments for a number of reasons - I wouldn't trade my experience in them.

    Small business to cloud for infrastructure? I'm not sure about that one....

  • RE: Time Zones

    GSquared (7/20/2012)

    Chris.C-977504 (7/20/2012)

    ... I don't like how much million, billion, and trillion sound like each other. I guess it is really only when politicians are talking about those units that...

  • RE: Time Zones

    Alex Fekken (7/19/2012)

    By the way, the metric system [advantage is] you keep using the same unit name (with a prefix) when you scale up or down. It is a bit...

  • RE: Time Zones

    Tao Klerks (7/19/2012)

    ... but I definitely didn't know that US volumes could be seen as a system of powers of two. Of course it breaks down when you get...

  • RE: Time Zones

    I was taught the main advantage of SI was that a cubic centimeter H2O = one milliliter of H2O.

    Having said something useful, here's a question that won't help the discussion.


  • RE: Time Zones

    Lynn Pettis (7/19/2012)

    I just don't like the blanket statement as a whole, sorry.

    I don't either, but that's for another day.

  • RE: Time Zones

    paul.knibbs (7/19/2012)

    I'm pretty sure that farmers themselves don't give half a monkey's for DST--they structure their day around the rising and setting of the sun, and what direction the hour...

  • RE: Time Zones

    jbnv (7/19/2012)

    djackson 22568 (7/19/2012)

    jbnv (7/18/2012)

    djackson 22568 (7/18/2012)

    jbnv (7/18/2012)

    Given Americans' obnoxious refusal to use common-sense things like the metric system and dollar coins instead of bills...


    You don't know me. I am...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 54 total)