Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 373 total)

  • RE: Primary and Foriegn Keys on Temp Tables

    Nice Question


  • RE: Synchronize Salesforce with SQL Server using SSIS

    I am using 'Pragmatic Task factory' tasks/adapters to Synchronize the Salesforce data with SQL Server data. It is very cool.


  • RE: What will this query return?

    @hugo - Good analysis. I like detailed explanation. Thanks for sharing


  • RE: What will this query return?

    Nice one, thanks for sharing.


  • RE: TVP

    stephen.long.1 (9/3/2014)

    SQLRNNR (9/3/2014)

    Raghavendra Mudugal (9/3/2014)

    Dana Medley (9/3/2014)

    Great question. Thanks.

    Seriously, I am one step away from swatting my laptop screen, every time I see your avatar automatically my hand raises from...


  • RE: Persisted Columns

    twin.devil (9/3/2014)

    Nice Question Steve. Thanks for sharing


    Learned new syntax


  • RE: is there any downtime required for adding new column for a large table..and adding a newe table

    Adding new table doesn't require downtime at all.

    If your queries are not using SELECT * then you are ok to add new column (as it will not affect your application...


  • RE: Happy Monday

    SqlMel (9/1/2014)


    Thanks for the question, Steve.

    Very good function, btw.

    +1 😛


  • RE: Can you perform 3 actions in one trigger?

    crazy_new (9/1/2014)

    Hey guys, is it possible to delete from a table,then insert into that same table, and then delete from a second table, all in one INSERT trigger?

    Recursive trigger is...


  • RE: Hypervisor

    Miles Neale (8/29/2014)

    SQLRNNR (8/29/2014)

    Stuart Davies (8/29/2014)

    Easy end to the weeks - thanks





  • RE: SQL Server 2008 r2?

    The idea of the query is not bad (though a bit repetitive). But the execution is rather poor. Too bad.

    Thanks for the question


  • RE: CTE

    Koen Verbeeck (8/29/2014)

    Great question. Learned some new syntax 😀

    Same here - Nice question


  • RE: find flag change

    where you want to manipulate the value? During INSERT operation?

    Or you are trying to build SQL Query to retrieve the data as per your need?


  • RE: keeping table unlocked during transation

    As you mentioned dirty read is ok then use

    SELECT <<column names>> FROM table1 WITH (NOLOCK)

    Also, nolock hint should not be used with DELETE & UPDATE statements. This is in deprecated...



    Luis Cazares (8/25/2014)

    jshahan (8/25/2014)

    sestell1 (8/25/2014)

    Does anyone actually use the PIVOT operator?

    I find it so limited that I almost always roll my own using GROUP BY and CASE.

    I like PIVOT because...


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 373 total)