Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

  • RE: The Cost of Support

    Calling it support to fix things that should have worked in the first place is just plain wrong. Bugs aren't support, they aren't undocumented features and they shouldn't be there...


    Greg Young

  • RE: Query

    Geeze, here we go again. I can no longer accept that it's just poor/no editing or piss poor authors that create these incorrect "correct" answers. This has to be a...


    Greg Young

  • RE: Best Way to Calculate Age

    Here we go again... another case of piss poor editing. The 3rd answer is flat wrong because the 0 and 1 are reversed in the THEN and ELSE clauses. In...


    Greg Young

  • RE: Slipstreaming

    mlavallee (2/14/2008)

    Then there's the actual production side of it -- coordinating with dozens of teams to have box art updated (*includes SP1), disc art updated, and the facilities actually making...


    Greg Young

  • RE: Accidently Agile

    Great article. I've been an agile proponent long before the term was invented. As a one-man-gang developer in the user world for a large part of my early career I...


    Greg Young

  • RE: User Defined Function Execution

    Doesn't anybody proof these questions? This is yet another example of where you have to guess what limitations the author had in mind. I tend to write UDFs that use...


    Greg Young

  • RE: The Burden of Proof

    Charles Cherry (2/8/2008)

    One of the fundamental tenants of the Sixth Amendment is that the accused has the right to be "confronted with the witnesses against him." This means that the...


    Greg Young

  • RE: The Burden of Proof

    I guess I'm going to be the first to disagree. I see no reason the code should be treated any differently than the blueprints for any manufactured device, be it...


    Greg Young

  • RE: Keeping Your Job

    Greg Young (11/26/2007)

    ...the been counters dictate a cut...

    Freudian I guess... should be bean counters although in this context "been" is appropriate.


    Greg Young

  • RE: Keeping Your Job

    Your value is relative not only to your own job but to the job your boss has and to the perception the organization has of both. If you can't directly...


    Greg Young

  • RE: Combining Rows

    This is a terribly worded question. "Amalgamate into 1 row" can be construed as any of the clauses. Only the "2 tables" points to the JOIN. Might have been more...


    Greg Young

  • RE: A Matter of Degree

    Got my BS in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 30 something years ago. Worked as an engineer for < 2 years, switched to an airline and gravitated to computers. Later did...


    Greg Young

  • RE: The College Experience

    Steve Jones - Editor (10/16/2007)

    I'm not sure that welding or machining is the same as a Production DBA. Typically we have to work with data and understand it's implications for...


    Greg Young

  • RE: The College Experience

    Typically I don't view a degree as a requirement for a DBA any more than I would for any other skilled technical job like welding or machining (that's not demeaning,...


    Greg Young

  • RE: A Global Reach

    Looks like I'm a real minority... US English only but using Unicode. Our company's products all deal with management of medical research studies which includes writeups of the science involved. As...


    Greg Young

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)