Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Importing Cube SQL2000 to SQL 2005

    I am experiencing the same issue. How did you resolve your



    I use the wizard to validate and migrate the cubes to 2005.

    When I attempt to reprocess some of the cubes...

  • RE: Update Excel from SQL server

    I get this message when I try the openDataSource command

    OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' does not contain table 'Sheet1$'. The table either does not exist or the current user does...

  • RE: Export to a text file

    How can this method be used to initialize an excel worksheet rather than using Excel's menu option Get External Data?


  • RE: SQL 2K SP3 and Backups

    These disk backups are done to a remote server (off the database server)

  • RE: Refreshing Cube Data using a Sheduled Job

    Regarding the statement:

    It will not, however, delete members removed from the underlying data source nor will it update relationships between members (IE: moving a member to another parent).

    Is this the...

  • RE: Refreshing Cube Data using a Sheduled Job

    All my dimensions are shared.

    All my dimensions (except time) are defined to be changing dimensions.

    Do I have to process my dimension data incrementally?

    I though Dimension incrementaly...

  • RE: Refreshing Cube Data using a Sheduled Job

    When processing a cube using the DTS task one can select the big box icon (a cube) vs a 4 little box icon (a partition). If I select a partition...

  • RE: SQL Maintenance Plans

    I use both customized backups and maintenance plans.

    1) With maintenance plans how do you delegate the manual running of a backup to a non-system administrator. A developer would like to...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)