Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

  • RE: Table Constraint

    The function was the way to go,

    CREATE FUNCTION fn_GetHeroPID(@id int)

    RETURNS int



    RETURN (SELECT isnull(Charge_Value,0) FROM Table_A WHERE TableA_ID = @id)




  • RE: Changing Execution Plans in Cache

    sorry, I'm not sure I've actually made my question clear.

    I've got a prcodedure which has been cached since the 10- April. Yesterday the proc was running as expected today...

  • RE: Changing Execution Plans in Cache

    I'm not sure how the index stats could cause a plan to change?

    From our reindexing job last night the fragmentation for the index which has changed from a seek...

  • RE: Filtered Index Not Begin used

    Well spotted, sorry it's my mistake it should be COLA =1.

    Can't figure out why it would as a literal value but not as a parameter.


  • RE: Database Owner Unkown

    I was panning on setting it into single user mode tonight and running the command, I'll try a restore of DB and run checkDB against that this afternoon to see...

  • RE: Database Owner Unkown

    Djcarpen11 (3/19/2012)

    Thanks for the reply Andre,

    I've tried your code and it returns a null value,


    I'm not sure what was being blocked as the script was being run by somebody...

  • RE: Database Owner Unkown

    Thanks for the reply Andre,

    I've tried your code and it returns a null value,


  • RE: frequency of index rebuilbing

    It all depends of the rate of change within the tables. A good idea is set up a weekly schedule to go through find the fragmentation of the tables...

  • RE: Pass A Variable to a USE Statment

    I Jumped the gun a little with the post, I've managed to use EXEC sp_MSForEachDB to achive the results I wanted.


  • RE: Using a Linked server name as a variable

    I can see the benefits of doing it that way but, if you had to add a column like you say, you'd only have to do that once with dynamic...

  • RE: Using a Linked server name as a variable

    That's an idea I toyed with the only problem is that each synonyms would need it's own insert statment?(unless I've missed something).

    I'm inserting into 5 tables. So for each...


    It changes when the database is restored from sql 200 to 2008,

    I've run upgrade advisor and data purity checks and set the compatability mode to 100, so all bases covered...


    I'm afraid it doesn't

    DBCC checkident ('tblxxxxxxxxxxxxx')

    Checking identity information: current identity value '23935390', current column value '23935403'.

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.


    Thanks for the reply,

    The thing is I need the vaules current identity value and the current column value.


    Thanks for the reply, Unoforunatly that won't give me what I need.

    I need to compare the results of the dbcc checkident on 767 tables. It looks like as part...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)