Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 47 total)

  • RE: Please dont shoot me. Recovery and t. log backups

    hmmm, leaving us with the problem of altering the database before applying the transaction logs.

    Looks like log ship, recover and then apply replication it is then.

  • RE: Please dont shoot me. Recovery and t. log backups


    That's what I thought too.  Here's another one.  When log shipping a replicated database (merge repl.) is it possible to have replication ready on the secondary before changing roles or...

  • RE: Why does the query run?


    Is there any way of preventing this as the query is pretty hefty and changing tabs becomes very much a thumb-twiddling event?



  • RE: Why does the query run?

    "Changes Tab", when she is setting the transformation properties and she changes from the "general" tab to, say, the "Destination" tab. As far as I know they're not using...

  • RE: Linked Server Login Mapping & NT Groups

    Global. It's a head-wrecker!


  • RE: Linked Server Login Mapping & NT Groups

    Hi Michelle,

    The funny thing is we do have it working on a Win2k machine so I believe it should work.

    My problem with the last option is that this radio button...

  • RE: Auditing New Users

    Hi Don,

    Sorry, I didn't really make my question clear; is it possible to have them expire automatically and if so how can I do that because that would be extremely...

  • RE: Auditing New Users

    Here's the gist of what we're trying to achieve.

    We periodically allow developers (devs) to have dbo or even sysadmin access to our servers and that considered okay. What's not...

  • RE: Auditing New Users

    "Begin and End date"-- glazed look. I don't understand; there is going to be a lot of that in this thread let me warn you!

    We had thought of just...

  • RE: Auditing New Users

    Thanks Steve,

    That's helpful. Have you any opinon on the overall strategy, good, bad or indifferent.


  • RE: restore failed


    I've got a similar problem, but I've already used the backup file on another server and the restore works fine. Any suggestions.... I'm at my wits end and feeling the...

  • RE: _WA_Sys_ indexes

    Hi Andy,

    Is there any administration that one should be performing on these or are they just to be ignored.


  • RE: Clustered SQL Server

    Hidee Ho on this Friiiiiday morning,

    Just thought I'd let you know that I removed sysadmin rights from the builtin group two days ago with no negative reponse. It still has...

  • RE: Clustered SQL Server

    Thanks Wootton.

    I'd read most of those already and I'm quite happy with doing this. However our NT admin isn't and that's because they're not comfortable with clustering. I...

  • RE: dllhost.exe...... the work of the devil?;en-us;Q293646

    And you should see the leak. If we don't kill the dllhost.exe in the morning before production it will gooble up memory (5-600MB of 1GB by early aftenoon). Quite...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 47 total)