Why does the query run?

  • One of our developers is creating a DTS package which pulls data from a Sybase databse. When creating a transformation task she types in the sql query and then changes tab, with this the query trys to run on the SYBASE db. Is this behaviour normal, and is there anyway to stop it?

  • What does "and then changes tab" mean? Is the Sybase db setup as a linked server?



  • "Changes Tab", when she is setting the transformation properties and she changes from the "general" tab to, say, the "Destination" tab. As far as I know they're not using linked servers.


  • Yes when you alter the source query or data object in the sourec tab then it will rerun to validate what it has as available from the source data. But it only samples the data for the most part depending on how you access.

  • A-haaa.

    Is there any way of preventing this as the query is pretty hefty and changing tabs becomes very much a thumb-twiddling event?



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