Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: compressing a heirarchy

    Ok, I'm feeling a bit perplexed now. While fiddling around with this, I decided to create an actual table which contained my set, therefore eliminating the insert in my batch...

  • RE: The T-SQL Quiz

    --fewer ctes and joins, more functions...

    declare @a int, @b-2 int

    select @a = 3, @b-2 = 5


    gcd (a, b) as...

  • RE: The T-SQL Quiz

    declare @a int, @b int
    select @a = 3, @b = 5
       gcd (a, b) as (select @a, @b union all select b, a % b from gcd where...
  • RE: The T-SQL Quiz

    declare @a int, @b int
    select @a = 3, @b = 5
    ;with gcd (a, b) as ( select @a, @b union all select b, a % b from gcd where b...
  • RE: The T-SQL Quiz


    r3 (remainder, format) as (select 3, 'Bizz'),

    r5 (remainder, format) as (select 5, 'Buzz'),

    r15 (remainder, format) as (select 15, 'BizzBuzz'),


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)