Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: .DAT and .NDX files


    If you want to look for information about any file extension, please visit

    I saw your answer there.

    If you have any concern, please email me at


  • RE: Email

    You can automate this process by setting up a job with two steps:

    Step1: Run a stored procedure to execute the query and save the result in a table, said tbl_Results


  • RE: Urgent~How to use OpenDataSource to query from another server???


    You can use the script below, I already tested and it certainly worked :

    SELECT J.Job_ID, J.J_Open_Date, P.VendName  FROM Job_Tracking_Table J,

              OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB', 'Data Source=SQL2_server;User ID=UserName ;Password=UserPassword').HFC.dbo.PM200 P

    WHERE J.J_Vendor_ID=P.VendorID

    You should run...

  • RE: Importing a CSV file using a DTS


    I am sorry to post my answer accidentally before I am done:


         . delete the temporary table

    All of the 4 steps above can be in one stored procedure.



    If you want,...

  • RE: Importing a CSV file using a DTS


    You can solve the problem as:

    -Write a stored procedure to :

          .copy the table you want to export to another table

          .look thru each field of the table and...

  • RE: Importing a CSV file using a DTS


    You can solve the problem as:

    -Write a stored procedure to :

          .copy the table you want to export to another table

          .look thru each field of the table and...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)