Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: How to handle date from text file

    Yes isdste fianlly worked. Thank you.

    (cast(CASE when ISDATE(b.[LAST_DAY_WORKED]) = 1 Then (b.[LAST_DAY_WORKED]) ELSE NULL END as datetime) = cast(CASE when ISDATE(a.[LAST_DAY_WORKED]) = 1 Then (a.[LAST_DAY_WORKED]) ELSE NULL END as datetime)


  • RE: Delete query help

    This works Thanks Cris

  • RE: Delete query help

    Yes your solution is a start although it still does not adress the issue that I am having.

    The data type in RawImport table is varchar and contains records without...

  • RE: Sql Server DateAdd function Hellp

    That works great! Thank you very much for your help.

  • RE: Sql Server DateAdd function Hellp

    That works although I neglected to mention that I was using SSIS expression builder and I need to build an expression that shows the leading 0's in the date. That...

  • RE: Return current week integer -1 week

    Thanks that looks like it works.

  • RE: Derived table Help

    Yes table structure would make it a bit easier.

    (Database that contains associate details)

    Database = [AssociateRepository]

    Table Name [dbo].[Associates]

    AssociateId PersonNumber Hierarchy





















    Database that contains recorded website hit counts PersonNumber and PersonNo used...

  • RE: Help With Update Query

    Hello I am a newbie as indicated next to my name. I spent the last 24 hours wrapping my brain around CTE's and feel I learned quite a bit. I...

  • RE: Help With Update Query

    Thank you so much SSCrazy and Lynn I really don't yet understand how it works but it does. I am going to try and wrap my brain around this for...

  • RE: Help With Update Query

    I am sorry i do not understand with TestDate ( PersonNumber, EntryDate) as piece.

    Mayby I can clarify what I need. I want...

  • RE: Aggregate Query help

    That is exactly what I needed. Thanks

  • RE: Aggregate Query help

    Here is a sample of the results that I want. I want to combine the results of these two querries into one query.

    This is query 1

    Select Hierarchy,


  • RE: Aggregate Query help

    I've attached sample data for each table view.

    I just want to return

    Hierarchy, -- From Forecast table

    Course Code, -- From...

  • RE: Aggregate Query help

    Yes there is a field in the forcast table for course code.

    dbo.PM_ForecastView.CourseCode. What would the additional join statement look like?

    I am looking at your code and I am trying...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)