Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 107 total)

  • RE: SQLService Eating Memory

       Thanks for all the posts, food for thought. We are using SQL Server 2000 SP3 Build 818 on Windows 2003. The maximum memory is set to 4095MB.

      Am interested...

  • RE: Invalid data values

    Many thanks for the replies, this has got me hot on the scent of the problem.



  • RE: Invalid data values



  • RE: DTS Lookups

      The connection for the DTS has been changed. It is just the Lookups which are causing the problem (I think).

      When I open the Lookups tab and click on...

  • RE: msdb - sysjobs

      Changing the Orginating_server attribute has bought a lot of success and many of my Jobs/DTS Packages are now working. I am now experiencinng problems with Look Up tables in...

  • RE: msdb - sysjobs

        The msdb on the new server is restored from the old machine. The files are in the same directory structure as the old machine as well.

       I am going...

  • RE: Dbase Size and Space Available

    Thanks folks, good ideas. I am currently reviewing and amending the DB sizes on my servers.

    The problem that I was originally faced with has now been solved. It seems that the...

  • RE: First Day as a DBA

    Back ups! Your job could depend on it! Make sure you do some test restores from tape. DO NOT rely on others saying that the back ups worked OK, sometimes...

  • RE: Cursor - Multiple Writes

    Doh! As soon as you post, the fog lifts. I had an END before FETCH NEXT rather than after it! Seems to be working OK now. Thanks anyway.



    PS the values...

  • RE: Moving Model Database


    Thanks for all your help, will proceed on Tuesday morning.

    Could you very kindly expand on your comment about sp_change_users_login?


  • RE: Moving Model Database

    I have my Master Dbase restored and all the user DBs are marked as suspect because I have yet to restore their .BAK files. Happy with that - at present.


  • RE: Moving Model Database


    Simply following the procedure in the KB article. I assumed (wrongly?) that as MS mentioned the move that I had to do it! As far as I know the ModelDb...

  • RE: Moving Model Database


    Thanks for the quick response. I am moving databses between servers (A to B) and want to restore the model backup from a .bak file taken on serverA. Server A is...

  • RE: Login failed for user ''''NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON''''.

      Have just spotted the Window drop down menu which has an option WINDOWS. This confirms that the user login is the same as that shown on both servers and...

  • RE: Login failed for user ''''NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON''''.

       Thanks for the quick response. However, this does not solve the problem. The top margin of QA always shows the server name that it is logged into and iit...

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 107 total)