Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

  • RE: SSIS package problem import excel file with more that 4000 columns

    Sorry for the title 4000, in resume put 400, for other side, we test with old files where imported correctly, and present the same issue, the infrastructure is the same,...

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: Export XML Data to FileStream Data

    Thank you for reading my question, and what we decided, we create a table with the filestream field and migrate the information with a convert, I show them the script,...

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: a simple join

    thanks SSC-Insane

    but already I´ve found the mistake, it is when the information has imported from a txt file, this has a special character, Char(13), Char(10), in this case...

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: we don´t see packages on MSDB chapter SSIS

    we are using de SSMS, this error happen when we want to expand the msdb chapter of graphics mode, do you have any idea?:-D

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: SSIS we can't see the packages on MSDB chapter

    is correct, the packages are in msdb DB

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: RS subscription problem

    our problem was fix, the subscription was that the destination server has a problem with the user account, thanks to all.

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: All people view all reports

    I add a topic more that I hope help you to help me, when I add a NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICES inside of either of the SQLServer2005ReportingServicesWebServiceUser$CSPMEXRPS02$MSSQLSERVER or SQLServer2005ReportServerUser$CSPMEXRPS02$MSSQLSERVER groups...

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: Linked server error in SQL Server 2005

    Maybe the error could be the schema, could you put your script that you use?, in this link explain how works the schemabinding

    I hope that will help


    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: Calculation of 10 G database

    if you refer to the size of DB, the comand is sp_helpdb or sp_helpdb 'DBName', I tell you will put more information about your question

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: TempDB data file & Log file size

    in the follow link I believe that is good to understand how works the tempdb DB and how you can resolved this

    good luck

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: Remote Server

    Thanks for you answer, I believe that I don't provide all information about this topic, we needed to execute a store procedure on remote server with the linked server,...

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: Connect to cube with user out of domain

    thank's to all, I can, there are option in other datasources in Excel where we put the AD account, I made an account in the domain to this user, modify...

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: Error to processes report

    best but is funcional, add de user in a Group Domain, to this group I gave rol of sysadmin in DB 2000 with danywrite in all Database, to the urgency...

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: Error to processes report

    how I mentioned before, I put all priviliges to this user (sysadmin) and anyway don't run, thanks

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

  • RE: Error to processes report

    the message say some this

    Failed to process the report.

    Error executing query data set for 'consultas'.

    For more information about this error, go to the report server on the computer's...

    Angel Miranda Nieto
    DBA Specialist, BI, MCSA SQL Server

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)