XQuery, output the integer that represents a singleton

  • I'm getting a very different plan than you are -- and a much more efficient one at that. The biggest difference? My plan uses only the primary XML index, and estimates are therefore much closer to reality (a few rows instead of a few hundred thousand). Can you try dropping the secondary XML indexes and see if that makes things faster? Have they been created only for this one query, or are you doing other XQuery against this data?

    Adam Machanic

  • Just tried it, and had a massive improvement on performance - both queries ran in under 12 seconds.

    The indexes were only created by me as I thought they'd help; there are a few other sections to shred, but I'll check through and make sure they're not adversely affected.

    Once the file is shredded fully there's no need for it to be accessed again, so there shouldn't be any problem there.

    Since starting typing this, I've run through the lot, and everything runs in seconds now, so a very big improvement.

    So I know for future, do you have any inkling why the additional indexes caused a detriment in execution?

    Follow me on twitter @EvoDBACheck out my blog Natural Selection DBA[/url]

  • Glad to hear that it worked!

    Why did it cause a problem? Well, the fact is that XML indexes in SQL Server are really not well integrated with the query optimizer. They're good for a couple of VERY specific scenarios but in practice seem to cause a lot more problems than they solve. Apologies for a not very satisfying answer, but it's the unfortunate reality of the situation.

    Adam Machanic

  • Ah I'll bear that in mind for the future! Thanks very much for all the help, it's been brilliant. 😀

    Follow me on twitter @EvoDBACheck out my blog Natural Selection DBA[/url]

  • Adam Machanic (12/30/2010)

    Glad to hear that it worked!

    Why did it cause a problem? Well, the fact is that XML indexes in SQL Server are really not well integrated with the query optimizer. They're good for a couple of VERY specific scenarios but in practice seem to cause a lot more problems than they solve. Apologies for a not very satisfying answer, but it's the unfortunate reality of the situation.

    Adam - would you then generically say that the primary XML index is "good", and not to worry about the secondary ones?

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