Wow, first post.

  • My suggestion is wait SP2.

  • ?? Not sure what you mean

  • i think there is a memory leak in the client components, a bug in replication the put in on purpose, a few other bugs in replication that make it more maintenance intensive than sql 2000 and i don't know what else we haven't discovered yet

  • Check the bugs fixed in SP2, you will know what I mean.

    I can't put SQL server 2005 in production without those fixes.

  • my favorites are in replication when you have a varchar column with more than 4000 characters it changes it to ntext. if you have a sql2000 subscriber you are out of luck because it can't convert back to varchar(8000) so i'm doing nightly snapshots of one publication.

    and i'm actually running alter index on the distribution db. the clean up ran for like 9 hours a few times and it turned out all the indexes were fragmented. so i'm running alter index every few hours

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