Works in SQL Server but not in Access

  • Any idea how I could make the following query work in Access?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    orders.ouser, products.cname, customers.clastname, oitems.score, test_bank.evalDate


    oitems INNER JOIN orders ON oitems.orderid = orders.orderID INNER JOIN

    customers ON orders.ouser = customers.username INNER JOIN

    products ON oitems.catalogid = products.ccode LEFT OUTER JOIN

    test_bank ON customers.username = test_bank.username AND products.ccode = test_bank.courseid

    It gives me a syntax error in Access.  I tried removing the word "OUTER" and that did not help.

  • Im pretty sure it's cause you haven't got any brackets () around your join criteria.

    Suggest you go into Access and create a query with the query designer that has a LEFT JOIN to work out what bracketing you need.



  • It says Join Expression Not Supported when I add the part in italics.

  • I investigated the bracket problems and I'm closer, but still not there yet:

    This Clause works:

    FROM (((oitems

        INNER JOIN orders ON oitems.orderid = orders.orderID)

        INNER JOIN customers ON orders.ouser = customers.username)

        INNER JOIN products ON oitems.catalogid = products.ccode)

        LEFT JOIN test_bank ON customers.username = test_bank.username

    This Clause does NOT work:

    FROM (((oitems

        INNER JOIN orders ON oitems.orderid = orders.orderID)

        INNER JOIN customers ON orders.ouser = customers.username)

        INNER JOIN products ON oitems.catalogid = products.ccode)

        LEFT JOIN test_bank ON customers.username = test_bank.username AND

    products.ccode = test_bank.courseid

  • Have you tried a "Pass-Through" Query in Access yet?

  • I'm using Access as a back-end to a website so a pass through query is out of the question.  I decided that for now I'm just going to have 2 queries instead of 1.  I'm going to migrate from Access to SQL as my backend so I'll eventually get rid of this stupid mdb.


    And then open the COPY, click Tools ~ Options ~ Tables/Queries and click the checkbox for "SQL Server compatible syntax".

    Access will display a few warnings, and then close & re-open itself - at which point the SQL syntax should probably work with SQL Server.


  • This Clause does NOT work: 
    FROM (((oitems 
        INNER JOIN orders ON oitems.orderid = orders.orderID) 
        INNER JOIN customers ON orders.ouser = customers.username) 
        INNER JOIN products ON oitems.catalogid = products.ccode) 
        LEFT JOIN test_bank ON customers.username = test_bank.username
    AND products.ccode = test_bank.courseid

    Here's a couple of things that you could try.  First, you're out of parenthesis.  I wonder if Access is not parsing the final left join correctly.  Since you have an AND clause, and it's the only one there, try this:

    LEFT JOIN test_bank ON (customers.username = test_bank.username
    AND products.ccode = test_bank.courseid)

    Also, I think I'd try to restructure it so that the left join is the first join being performed, which would require a change to the Products join.

    I'm not sure why, but the second part of the Test_Bank made me think of a Where clause, but that's not really appropriate.  But looking it over again, for consistency's sake I'd reverse the arguments of the AND so that it's test_bank.courseid = products.ccode.  I wonder if that could have anything to do with it.

    Good luck!

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • I think you just need to do the first part of what Wayne suggested:

    LEFT JOIN test_bank ON (customers.username = test_bank.username

    AND products.ccode = test_bank.courseid)

    This should fix your problem. I would leave the left join where it is at the end of the joins and not reverse the test_bank & products condition.




  • I have tried the suggestions.  I tried adding the brackets as Wayne suggested.  I also tried adding the option of using SQL compatible syntax and that did not work either.

    They did not work for me.  Thanks anyway.

  • OK I tried an experiment and got the same error when I tried to manually write the query in SQL but when I used the Query Designer in MS Access to write the query I did not have a problem.

    When I look at the SQL the Designer generated it looks like this:

    FROM ((Tbl1 INNER JOIN Tbl2 ON Tbl1.Fld1 = Tbl2.Fld1) INNER JOIN [Tbl 3] ON (Tbl1.Fld1 = [Tbl 3].Fld1) AND (Tbl2.Fld1 = [Tbl 3].Fld1)) LEFT JOIN [Tbl 4] ON (Tbl1.Fld2 = [Tbl 4].Fld2) AND ([Tbl 3].Fld1 = [Tbl 4].Fld1);

    Maybe this was too generic of an example but I did notice if I tried to break this up and separate the joins on their own lines I also got the same error message so MS Access may be sensitive to line breaks.



  • Have you tried moving to a Access Project file? Access then becomes a front end to SQL Server and you get rid of the Access syntax problem.

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