Working with SQL stored images in w/C#

  • I'm going to be writing an app in C# that stores scanned invoice images in a database along with some other information about the invoices in the record.  If there were no images involved, I'd already be halfway done, but I just don't know how to work with them yet. 

    I've been working with SQL Server at an admin and development level for about 4 years now and I am pretty proficient, but never have I had cause to learn how to store and work with images in a SQL Server database.  I know it may sound rudimentary to anyone who does it regularly, but I don't even know where to begin.  How to get images in there?  What format? How to view?  I simply don't even know what questions to ask, much less the answers.

    Does anyone know where I might find a helpful FAQ or tutorial about working with images in SQL Server that can get me started in this endeavor?


  • One simple way I used is to save the jpeg on the server's drive and then save the path in the database. If you are going to save the image in the database itself, sqlserver will have to work to save it to the disk and undo the work to resend you the file (something like encrypt/decrypt but for much larger files --- very NOT recommended since it cost a lot of overhead for basically nothing)

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