Windows server shutdown problem

  • We are running a SQL Server 2000 on a Windows 2000 server. This week the Windows shutdown twice and couldn't identify the problem and the log says unexpected shutdown. The server is on UPS. The SQL Server does heavy processing in the night (many jobs run simultaenously).

    The timing of shutdown is onetime at the start of the jobs and another time at the end of the jobs.

    My question is, can SQL Server cause Windows server to shutdowm?



  • We've had some problems using a filebackup software (veritas) that was copying our .bak files at the moment that our backup job started to run.

    Because of the folderlock the backupsoftware took, sqlserver (7.0) just crashed and the server rebooted !

    The workaround we use nowadays is to xcopy the bak files in the last step of the backupjob to a safezone (if that fails is't not to bad) and have veritas only copy from the safezone to tape


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  • During the times the Windows crashed, no backups were done. So I don't think the backups were causing the issue for us.


    Your UPS may have gone flaky. We had an issue that the battary of the UPS was no longer good, and every two weeks it would do an automated test, which promptly caused the servers to shutdown unexpectantly. I would plug an electric clock into the UPS, and next time your machine unexpectantly reboots check to see the the electric clock did not reboot (Blinking 12:00). Then you would know for sure it was your UPS, also if you have other servers plugged to the UPS it would be easy to tell.

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