windows running Process Info

  • I need to start pssdiag utility(.exe) through SQL agent job when ever my CPU reaches over 95% ,but want to check if there is already pssdiag process running on the server so it wont run multiple pssdiag instances , so is there any way i can use any DMV/T-sql query for the running pssdiag processes on the server?


  • I don't think a DMV is going to help you. You'd have to query for the traces via fn_trace_gettable.

    How often is your system hitting this high of CPU? Shouldn't you instead check for 3-5 samples over 10 minutes and then page a DBA to look at the system? Typically high CPU utilization is due to missing indexes, so it should be pretty quick to spot the issue with a manual trace that the DBA launches.

    Tara Kizer
    Microsoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server
    Ramblings of a DBA (My SQL Server Blog)[/url]
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  • if you have sql server 2008 installed, then you can use activity monitor for SQL Serevr 2005 and above servers.

    You can have a look of recent expensive queries


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