Who dropped my table ?

  • Hi,

    I want to find out how a particular table in a DB got dropped....all the info regarding that...SOS

    Also is there a way that I can restore the dropped table in SS2K5, as we've in Oracle 10G, the Flashback command?



  • Unless you had some sort of auditing running: Profiler, DDL triggers, etc., you won't be able to see who dropped the table without the help of a transaction log reader tool like those available from Lumigent, RedGate et al.

    The only way to restore the dropped table is to restore a backup.



  • if you dowad a trial copy of Litespeed you can use object level recovery to get the table from your last full back up (it works with native backups as well).  I used to work for quest, when i left they where still giving trial users access to OLR.



  • if you are using SQL Server 2005 then then Report namely schema changes would help you to view the schema changes in your DB.

  • Abhijit is right.

    The SSMS report should show any schema changes, when and by whom. Another alternative is the default trace which is running with SQL 2005.


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • can u expalin in detail



  • SSMS contains a couple of standard reports. Depending on which SP you have installed you can either find them at the top of the summary window (Pre-SP2) or by right-clicking on your server or database and then select reports. The report you should be looking for is called "Schema Changes History"


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Markus,

    Please let us know where the shcema change report exist is SSMS.I have searched lot but it is not showing anywhere any reports.

  • As I wrote before it depends on the service pack version where you find them.

    For the RTM and SP1 do the following steps :

    1. Open Management Studio
    2. Highlight a server instance or database in Object Explorer
    3. Open the Summary Page (F7)
    4. Click on the Reports button


    If you're having SP2 in Object-Explorer right-click either on the server or the database in question. In the context menu you see Reports>Standard Reports>Schema change History.

    If you really can't find them, are you sure the server you're looking at is 2005 ???


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

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