Who creates DTS packages?

  • I was curious how DBA's in other organizations handle the creation of DTS packages?  Do you allow application developers outside of the DBA group to create their own DTS packages in development environments, or do you insist that the DBA's create them?

  • Well, I our organization all have rights to develop the DTs, BUT under the DBA supervision

    My Blog: http://dineshasanka.spaces.live.com/

  • We've allowed developers to create packages that import test data into development databases from external sources (Access, text file) for a while.  As for packages that will be used in production as part of an application, we have one developer who is trying his hand at creating one with help from me.

    The main reason we don't have many developer created packages is the lack of DTS training and knowledge among our programming staff.  They've been content to let our DBA group create them.

    While we allow developers to save DTS packages in the dev SQL Server, we keep an eye on them and have the packages deleted when they're no longer useful.  We're keeping our options open as far as denying permission to save to SQL Server if things get out of hand and MSDB starts getting crowded.



  • We tend to let developers have full reign on DTS packages on all development and test servers, when they're happy they do what they're supposed to I load it up and save it on the QA box and then spend an hour or so (often longer) going through it with them testing it does what they say.

    After a minumum of a weeks worth of trialing I open up the QA DTS and save it to the production server.  Because it's me doing the saving on QA and Production it means that only myself or another SA (DBA) can edit the packages.

    It might sound a bit restrictive and I agree that we're lucky to have enough systems to do things in this way but otherwise the developers would run amuck doing whatever they wanted on the production systems (something that no-one in their right minds would want).

  • We have developers do it as well.  However, I must emphasize that they should be taught how to do it well.  The sooner you get them up to speed the better the DBA can spend their time on other functions such as Golf.  I normally have a DBA review the first few DTS packages prior to letting the developer go off on their own.



    Marvin Dillard
    Senior Consultant
    Claraview Inc

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