White Papers

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    We are new to replication and are looking for some white papers on the do's and dont's of SQL server Replication.

    Thanks in Advance


  • Hello Eric!

    Two months ago I didn't know the meaning of replication

    At present time I have implemented severals replications

    My guide: Books Online or

    http:\\msdn.microsoft.com/library/ en-us/replsql/replover_694n.asp

    Good Luck!


    Cláudia Rego


  • This is a great article on merge replication.  If you do go with merge, get familiar with the metadata tables used by merge replication.  Check out the topic "replication, performance" in the SQL BOL.  And if you have the option, I'd go straight to Yukon...there are many significant replication enhancements.




  • Would anyone recommend a good book to learn everything about replication (besides BOL)? Thanks.

  • The best, most thorough book on SQL Server Transactional Replication is Hilary Cotter's A Guide to SQL Server 2000 Transactional and Snapshot Replication.  I've been using Replication for about 2 years now and learned quite a bit from this book due to its meticulous detail.  It's a large book, but you can't go wrong with it for the topic.

    See a local review: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/aMachanic/bookreviewofaguidetosqlserver2000transactionalands.asp

    There's also a book on Merge Replication on the way. 


    Scott Thornburg

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