which one is better 2008 express R2 or 2008 enterprice..?

  • hi...

    at present i'm working on 2008 enterprice edition

    my reports are rendering very slow ..

    so that's y planned to try on 2008 express R2 ..

    will the reports will render fast.. or slower then the enterprice edition..

    which one to choose ..?

    please guide me..

  • Why would you think that moving to express would make things run faster ?

    It will be slower if anything due to express only using 1 cpu.

    As for your report running slow , is it the procedure ? or the SSRS rendering engine itself ?

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Its the ssrs rendering only...

    for 150 records to display..

    stored procedure will take around 2-3 Sec

    and for displaying the records in report

    it will take around 1 minute..

    i have used only one table and no manipulation or expression

    in the report..

  • Take a look at the advice given in this link


    See if helps you isolate the problem

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Does the query only take that long to execute in SSMS, or did you actually check the ReportServer logs and see how long the time was divided between execution and rendering?

    Because there can be differences between running the exact same query in SSRS and SSMS (look up parameter sniffing, there was another post on it here today).

    If it really is the rendering time, I'd put it down to poor report design, or an overloaded server, or slow network connection. Swapping to R2 won't give you anything except extra features.

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