where condition parameter

  • Maybe you help me with this:

    I have to write a procedure

    Create proc with parameter @deparr

    Select * from t

    where FORMULA

    and Year(@deparr)=year(result of FORMULA )


    if t.type=import then t.arrdate

    if t.type=export then t.depdate

    How do I write this, please

  • something like this.


    @Type varchar(16) == import/export


    SELECT * from t

    WHERE (@Type = 'import' AND Year(@deparr) = Year(t.arrdate))

    OR (@Type = 'export' AND Year(@deparr) = Year(t.depdate))

  • I have to do a report which has to have parameter year(@deparr)

    Then the procedure has to be something like that


    year(@deparr) smallint



    And how/when to write @Type?

  • what kind of report? Crystal? SSRS?

    you just create a paramenter, hardcote the values and pass them in?

    please be more specific, I don't understand your Q?

  • This *may* be more performant

    Create proc Search @deparr datetime


    declare @deparr datetime

    Select @deparr = '20110501'

    Declare @YearStart datetime

    Declare @NextYear datetime

    Select @YearStart = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@deparr), 0)

    Select @NextYear = dateadd(yy,1,@YearStart)

    Select *

    from t

    where t.type ='import'

    and t.arrdate >=@YearStart

    and t.arrdate < @NextYear

    union all

    Select *

    from t

    where t.type ='export'

    and t.depdate >=@YearStart

    and t.depdate < @NextYear

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • -- simplest

    SELECT *

    FROM t


    WHEN t.[type] = 'import' THEN t.arrdate

    WHEN t.[type] = 'export' THEN t.depdate

    ELSE NULL END) = YEAR(@deparr)

    -- possibly faster

    SELECT *

    FROM t

    WHERE (t.[type] = 'import' AND YEAR(t.arrdate) = YEAR(@deparr))

    OR (t.[type] = 'export' AND YEAR(t.depdate) = YEAR(@deparr))

    -- fastest (SARGable)

    SELECT *

    FROM t

    WHERE (t.[type] = 'import' AND t.arrdate BETWEEN [start of year](@deparr) AND [end of year](@deparr))

    OR (t.[type] = 'export' AND t.depdate BETWEEN [start of year](@deparr) AND [end of year](@deparr))

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Sorry, I try to explain better. Forgive my English.

    I have developed a report with CrystalReports, based directly on tables, and I solved the problem. But now I have to do the same report in CrystalReports, but based on a stored procedure. The procedure has to retrieve data for a year. This year has to be year(arrdate) for type=import or year(depdate) for type=export.

    Then when I run the report in CrystalReports, I have to input just 2010 or 2011 or wherever year and retrieves all the data sales, costs, .....for that year.

  • Thank you, Dave. Maybe I’ll use your solution in other report.

    Thank you, Chris. Your solution made sense for me.


  • Modify your sp to have a column for Type (dummy).

    1) In CR, DB Expert you can reference the stored procedure

    2) Add a report parameter.

    3) in Selection Expert create a condition based on that parameter and the dummy column.



    If you have your report based on the tables, you can create expressions to handle the same thing.

  • Thanks, vcapone

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