"WHERE clause" in text box to filter results

  • Hello:

    Is there an equivalent of a "WHERE" clause that I can put in a text box to filter its results? I have a text box and a matrix (which is grouped by person) that I placed in a list, and I want the text box to display a sales count for each person. For very convoluted reasons, these tables can't be joined, so I have the person data and the sales data in two separate datasets. I need the text box to basically be the equivalent of:

    =Sum(Fields!SalesCount.Value, "Sales") WHERE (Fields!PersonID.Value, "Sales") = (Fields!PersonID.Value, "matrix1")

    Does this make any sense?

  • Have you tried setting a filter on the table/matrix control?

  • =SUM(iif((Fields!PersonID.Value, "Sales") = (Fields!PersonID.Value, "matrix1"), (Fields!SalesCount.Value, "Sales"), 0))

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