Where are all the MVBs?

  • Thanks for all the comments and sorry, in turn, for being slow to respond. I've been looking into how quickly we could set up a small wiki area on SQLServerCentral, and the answer seems to be "not very", so I'm wondering about alternative "low barrier" ways to test out this idea.

    I am open to all suggestions, as I'd really like to at least try to get some mometum behind this one. Maybe a simple Google Docs area, to start off with, where we anyone interested could upload and edit documents? Probably we jsut need a space to try out a few things while, behind the scenes, I work at getting a wiki area on SSC?



  • I haven't used Google docs much, but it sounds like it might be a way to get started.

    How would you migrate from docs to wiki?

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • A quick option, and one that would allow exporting to other Wiki software at a later date, is Zoho Wiki. The main drawback of this option is their pricing model which only allows 3 users for free.

    However, giving them a free add on the site might convince them to allow free access to a larger group. They could say no, but we could ask.

  • Jeff

    a lot of DBA's have become like old folks (a serious compliment, actually). They really know how to get things done but everyone thinks they're hard of hearing and possibly mute. They're really not... they're just tired of listening to stupid things and speaking to deaf ears

    Overall - GREAT COMMENTS. I am in one of these positions right now, and found this morning that it is about to get dramatically worse.

    Direct supervisor, when we talk gets that glazed over deer in the headlights look, while his super knows much more than all in all areas.

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    Steve Jimmo
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  • Seems like we agree Wiki is the way to go. So what do we need in the meantime to put something up and get things rolling

    Do we want to self host temporarily? if so we'd need



    Wiki software? I'm sure we can get something free for a community resource

    What else?

    I could donate space and bandwidth from my personal hosting, plus a 10gig sql server 2008 db. But we wouldn't have ALTER permission on the DB.

    We could also as was mentioned go the google docs route but that seems somewhat cumbersome and migrating to a wiki could be difficult later on.

  • IIRC, SQLServerCentral.com tried a Wiki when they switched forum software many years back. Basically, it was an "unmanaged" Wiki where anyone could make additions/changes/deletions.

    My opinion about public "unmanaged" Wiki's is they're just not worth it. Just like posts on a forum, a lot of bad and flat out wrong information can be entered by anyone.

    I'm cool with public "Managed" Wiki's (like WikiPedia) but they do take time to manage if you want to do it right. SOMEONE has to review submittals for technical accuracy and readability. SOMEONE has to make sure there are no copyright infringements. SOMEONE has to check the grammar. SOMEONE actually has to setup and run any code submitted. SOMEONE has to check any and all citations to make sure they're appropriate. SOMEONE has to check for out of date information for each version and revision of SQL Server.

    It's a big job...

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