Whats the difference between SQL Server 2000 Developer & MSDE

  • What's the difference between Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Developer & MSDE?


  • In Simple, SQL Developer version has enterprise manager, query analyzer and all kind of development stuff..

    MSDE has only Service Manager to deal with! no enterprise manger or query analyzer.


  • MSDE is poorly named (or acroynm'd). It is the Desktop Engine, basically a replacement for the old Access / Jet setup where you built an application with VB or ?? and distributed it.  Generally few or single users.  So you can write applications with a DB, and distribute it royalty free, no license fee.

    It is also good as a replication conterpart, put an small subset of your DB on roving laptops, salesmen ??, so they have the info they need to do their job.  Then whenever they connect you swap updates.

    It has a few other downsides, DB size, connection limits (>5 and it slows itself down ) and no fancy tools. But is supposedly the same basic engine as it's big brother.  This would allow upsizing with little pain.

    Developer edition is just that, Development, NO production.  It is licensed per developer.


  • thanks guys! that was helpful. I was a little confused there for a moment.

    "Developer edition is just that, Development, NO production.  It is licensed per developer."

    So you can't use Developer to create small DB's for your app and distribute them as with MS Access?


    Thanks again!!!!

  • Yes, you can create DBs and distribute the DB.

    But you still need an access method, ie JET, or MSDE.



  • What do you mean about "access method"? I know that JET is an engine.

  • SQL Server would be an access method, if you create a DB, and want to read it with Access, VB or ... you need something to manage it.  Maybe DBMS would a better term.

    If you put the MDF on a machine without SQL, or MSDE you can't "Access" it. ODBC, or OLEDB are connections.

    If you put SQL Server on you have to pay for it, MSDE is free.


  • Thanks very much!

  • MSDE is basically the SQL Server Engine with no GUI Admin tools.  You can hook Access to it and use Access as your Front End / Admin Tool. MSDE also limits a database to 2GB and has a workload governor which retards jobs six and up when there are five concurrent jobs running until there are no more than 5.  If you have Enterprise Manager from some other licensed means then you are free to use EM with MSDE.

    When Access is used in this way, JET is not used.

  • Thanks guys. that was very informative!!!

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