What's Coming True?

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item What's Coming True?

  • Happy New Year To All!

    Of those preminitions listed, I can certainly see increased automation happening in the workplace: it's a constant occurrence - but I don't see any staff being shaved from technical departments; I only ever see more work coming through the door, not less, and automation being used as a way of keeping going with the resources available.

    As for Windows 10, Microsoft seem to have got themselves into a pattern of hits and misses! Windows XP and 7 were both clearly hits, whilst Vista and 8 were misses. Following the pattern, Windows 10 should be a hit: so long as they remember for whom they are developing the User Interface (the User) I'm sure it'll fly. People want to upgrade, but they have no apetitie for Windows 8's bodged UI: get that right for Windows 10, and they'll buy it over and over.

    On a slightly different note, one thing that's missed here is Visual Studio 2015. Whilst not the prime concern of the DBA community, it will certainly have an impact upon the way databases are built and run. The one challenge I've seen is the way in which developers love LINQ and DBAs hate it. Changes in C#5 may simply compound the felony; we'll have to see!

  • BYOD or Choose Your Own Device taking off. Serious thought going into legitimate synchronisation between private and company devices.

    More automation but staff doing more and possibly different things.

    SQL2015 delayed but Microsoft announce exciting new graph DB engine.

    Windows 10 critically acclaimed but slow market take up.

    Telecommuting up but not significantly as companies are not investing in supporting processes and infrastructure.

    Containerisation takes off as part of the march towards infrastructure as code. Wider use of the technology by traditional vendors to allow an optimised "try before you buy" approach to their products.

    Companies don't get hacked anymore than they are already but dark data techniques used with website scraping and web service provision to derive commercial secrets.

    IOT reaches the top of the hype cycle as companies realise they are ill prepared to cope with the data they have had for ages let alone a deluge from a new source. The penny finally drops that their existing data has always been a goldmine and the first person to remember what the past 4generations of data professionals kept banging on about will be the first person whose LinkedIn endorsements will be other than a polite fiction.

  • Automation - We can now automate and script the deployment of entire networks in the cloud or private cloud. But there's a still need for more qualified people, because many folks refuse to learn. Companies need to start training, not enough good folks to poach anymore.

    BYOD - Not sure about this. Computers of today are insecure hardware and software wise. You can bring in a attach vector on a USB Key or disguised as a power strip or keyboard or monitor. I wouldn't let private devices near a critical network.

    Telecommute - More people would telecommute if the cable companies actually provided decent service. And the dinosaurs in management let them.

    IoT needs serious security. It's a mess waiting to happen. Add in all the amateurs, stir in the hype machine and urrrrgggg...

    Windows 10? I'm waiting for SP1... 😀 Also want a powerful new machine so I can virtualize my other OSes.

    SQL Server 15/16? Overpriced and overhyped for most of us with smaller budgets. I still support SQL Server, but PostgreSQL is getting a good chuck of my new projects...

    Windows Phone? Love my Nokia 1020 with the bad-*** camera. Redmond needs to bring out new hardware and fund lots of serious good app builders. And promote that fact that this is good stuff.

    Hacked? Yes, no one wants to get serious. Hardware, software and policies are crap. It's going to take more than a major disaster to happen before people get serious. Maybe a serious infrastructure attack with mass casualties...

    Encryption? When is Microsoft going to offer this to all versions of all their software? Not making this a priority and not doing some serious training/outreach on it is darn near criminal.

  • Working at IT in the financial sector...

    No, I don't see any of it coming true in 2015. Not where I am...

    BYOD is an impossibility in this highly-regulated industry. Telecommuting is severely restricted. Security in this market is taken very seriously; my guess is hackers will continue to target easier prey.

    We are looking forward to the arrival of SS 2012 and maybe even Windows 8!

  • It's a great start to 2015. My good friend and fellow SQL warrior Gianluca Sartori (aka, the "Spaghetti DBA") has finally awarded the SQL Server MVP award! The only prediction that I'll make for 2015 is that his life will never be the same! 😀

    Join me in offering a hearty congratulations! See Gianluca's website at the following URL.

    Well done Gianluca!

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • More telecommuting and we'll get hacked.

  • Windows 10 will be a hit Microsoft will get this one right. From the beta or early release program are predictions that the 10 combines the good of both 7 and 8 and provides dual paths for the UI.

    SQL Server 2015 will come out - Or at least a newer Cloud offering that gets it more right.

    Windows Phone will become competitive - Microsoft has enough money that they could make anything and be a success. All they have to do is to commit the money, and God knows they all but mint money in Redmond every day. This is not a criticism, only saying that with resources and commitment yes it will be competitive.

    A prediction that was not on the list, is this. In 2015 we will see many experienced IT and SQL professionals retire and move into their next phase of life, and proportionally new rookies will come onboard who will be as green as we once were, but they again will be the future. Be patient with them, they will do miracles in the years to come.



    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

  • Jeff Moden (1/2/2015)

    It's a great start to 2015. My good friend and fellow SQL warrior Gianluca Sartori (aka, the "Spaghetti DBA") has finally awarded the SQL Server MVP award! The only prediction that I'll make for 2015 is that his life will never be the same! 😀

    Join me in offering a hearty congratulations! See Gianluca's website at the following URL.

    Well done Gianluca!

    I think the url is: http://spaghettidba.com/[/url]

  • The Oregon Ducks will win the first College Football Playoff next Monday.

  • Miles Neale (1/5/2015)

    A prediction that was not on the list, is this. In 2015 we will see many experienced IT and SQL professionals retire and move into their next phase of life, and proportionally new rookies will come onboard who will be as green as we once were, but they again will be the future. Be patient with them, they will do miracles in the years to come.

    Good one.

  • Docker will move to being a standard piece of technology everyone uses.

    As for other things...there will be plenty of hype.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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