What should be the daily routine of a ideal DBA

  • Hey Aaron, how many of the forums did you post this on?  Is this part of your daily routine? 

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • My present daily routine is:

    1) Buy newspaper on way to work.

    2) Get breakfast to take back to desk from cafeteria.

    3) Eat breakfast, read paper, read email while eating breakfast.

    4) Catch-up on erags, get coffee.

    5) Talk with vendors, alleviate Held Desk related application calls (tier 2(.

    6) Eat lunch.

    7) Maybe a meeting or conference or web-cast from Microsoft.

    8) Afternoon coffee and a cheese danish.

    9) More Help Desk calls (tier 3).

    10) Depart for the day.


    Not much SQL Server 'stuff' there is there ?


    All of this is possible on most days even in a dynamic environment (24x7) multiple servers (19+)  and lots of databases (200+). MOM 2005 for major monitoring and notification (paging and interface to the call tracking system) , SQL MSX Server for task execution, some elementary SQL scripts to cover what the first 2 do not do and email notification. Oh, I almost forgot, good server and database build procedures that are both documented and scripted. Planning, 'standardization', enterprise monitoring, enterprise backup solution along with decent facilities.


    No this is not a a fortune 100 company, we're just a county hospital with 1 main campus, 18 satellites, 2400 users and around 250 servers. What I'm just trying to say is that you don't have to be 'huge' to 'work smart'. You really just need to 'plan smart' and the rest falls into place.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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