what is a data warehouse in MS Sqlserver

  • sorry by mistake.i posted this twice

    i am getting lot of confusion about the data warehouse in MS Sqlserver

    i am using MS Sql DB as the data source for my analysis project and after deploying i am getting one analysis DB..

    here i am getting doubt ..

    is MS Sql Db acts as Data warehouse or analysis Db

    plz clarify this...


  • In my opinion, both. It is possible to run a data warehouse from an OLTP db directly without a cube. If you think about the term warehouse it implies a large facility to store something. So, to me, a data warehouse is just a large database to store lots of data. When you add a cube you are adding some specialized aggregated data to make reporting and analysis easier and faster. But still, it is part of the overall storage of data.

  • miriyalasrihari (7/28/2011)

    i am getting lot of confusion about the data warehouse in MS Sqlserver

    In simple terms a Data Warehouse is a database designed to serve as a central, historic data repository organized in a way that allows for easy querying to support Decision Making as opposed to an OLTP database which is designed to process short transactions to support an Operational System.

    Following the Dimensional modeling a Data Warehouse is nothing but a collection of Datamarts, each one of them addressing a particular domain. Let me note that Inmon DWH model is not dimensional but relational but most DWH nowadays are following Kimball's dimensional approach.

    Can you do reporting against an OLTP database? sure you can! IF... you have the data and you are willing to tax OLTP performance, both things really unlikely to happen in a serious enterprise environment.

    Hope this helps.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

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