What Do You Think of the New Site

  • Let us know what you think.

  • There's a lot of things I don't like about the new site, to wit, reasons why I don't use other sites.

    I've pretty much beat up on the "Recent Posts" and "Preview" problems, but now I see a new problem which is the key reason I don't use other sites... you've changed the email notificiation.

    It used to be that the title of the of the email was the title of the thread... very easy to pick and choose when you post as much as some of us.  Now, you've made it so that all the posts look alike... I have to open each email to find out what thread it is only to see STILL no name of the thread. :crazy:

    Put it back... I know the name of the thread is available to be sent as the subject for the email... put it back, please!  :crying:

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  • Nice job!  I like the changes!

    Just a few things I've noticed:

    1. Saving login info checkbox doesn't seem to save login info

    2. I'm not a "Supreme Being" user as my profile now states.  I probably have < 100 posts.

    3. Notification Email used to have a working html link, not it's just text.

    4. Forum text seems just a tad small for me.  Probably just my eyesight.

    5. Profile dates are dd/mm/yyyy

    6. I would prefer if the Post options defaulted to "Immediate notification of New Posts By Email" when you post a message

    I let you know if I notice anything else.

  • Overall, I think it is a great improvement.

    I'm sure you are tired of hearing about the notification emails, so I will not add to them.  I did, however, find it hard to find the link to add a notification to a thread.  I liked the checkbox that was there when adding a post.

    I really like the RSS feeds.

    My only real complaint is that the pages are loading significantly slower than they were previously.  It is almost like something is not caching properly. 

    After I have used it for a week, I'll probably re-post.  Change is always hard to deal with, so I think I will be happier after using it for awhile.

    - Quick Edit - The rss feed on this topic gives me a Permission Denied error.

  • Hi

    Overall i think its good enough.  Few things i noticed.

    It looks a bit too bright for me what with this blue color  ....;)

    also it has a cluttered feel to it...

    BTW i had a sign off line which showed every time i replied to anything... does not show now.


    "Keep Trying"

  • Hi

    Sorry.... the sign off line does show... did not see it in preview


    "Keep Trying"

  • I wish the "Briefcase" had an option for just listing the subjects. As the briefcase fills up with articles it becomes cumbersome to page through pages of descriptions when the subject usually tells me what I want.

    A second level improvement would be to show the description notes in a mouse-over box.

    My $0.02.

  • Thanks for the notes and we'll work on correcting issues and responding to feedback. We've changed the notifications, so let us know if they're better now.

  • I still have to get used to the new website, but I think it's nice. 🙂

    My only real problem with the website is the https for the login page, as the company I'm working for is a bit paranoid and blocks by default the https pages.

    I suppose I won't be alone in that case.

  • Why block https?

    Doesn't make sense. Or is there some type of exploit I'm not aware of?

  • Bug on the poll system :

    I can check all the radio buttons at the same time and they all turn to on at the same time... and apparently the system accepts that input (however I have already voted on that topic, so maybe this would have been validated later).

    Also I don't want to see the form to vote on a poll when my vote has already been casted on that poll and that I cannot revote.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (9/24/2007)

    Why block https?

    Doesn't make sense. Or is there some type of exploit I'm not aware of?

    As far as I know (the why of what the security teams are doing isn't always very clear), it's because they want to scan all traffic entering on the network for viruses and trojans, and https wouldn't allow that.

    They don't totally block https though, as there is a "white list" of accessible websites, but it's quite a hassle to get a new website on that list.

  • (Sorry if this has already been griped about, but I'm in a bit of a rush.)

    After a mere two minutes, I can freely state that I loathe your revised search tool.

    In olden days (last week?), if you entered a phrase to search for--such as "schemas 2005" in an attempt to find out some quick advice on how to deal with someone's arbitrary introduction of schemas other than dbo into your database--we'd get groupings of likely hits by category (articles, tools, forum postings), ordered by (arbitrary?) likelihood, with one (maybe 2) lines of tightly-grouped and easily read/comprehended text.

    Now, we get Goolge pap. Ten items ordered by whatever critieria, with that standard GOOOOOOOOGLE link set to 10E+10 more hits, not sorted not filtered not grouped, with each item occuping four lines of differing fonts (which means you have to read them, your eye can't sort of glide over a field of uniform text looking for key words or phrases). Want an article? A forum posting or thread? Go fish!

    Previously, SSC was a first-stop place for "I need some info quick on subject xxx", and via the search engine I could quickly pick and choose from a fair number of likely items. Now, it looks like I might just as well head straight to Google.

    If you can address this issue, I (and presumably others) would greatly appreciate it.


  • Very good point... I had not used the search feature since the re-opening and I can't tell that the new version is remotly as usefull as the old one... while it may not have been perfect, it certainly was more usefull than google.

  • We're working on limiting the Google searches. In the past we've had issues with searching and it seems for every person that we please, there are a few we displease.

    We should have a change soon on searching, but a if we abandon Google, it's certainly a longer term development item.

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