What code should i write for report parameters?

  • How do i create parameters through VB code i dont want to use Report parameters.I have two parameters in my query @startDate,@endDate.

    I have my project in VS 2005

    Can abybody pls give me sample of VB.net code for this?

  • Well, the Report is going to need the parameters if it has a stored proc that it passes them to.

    Without knowing how you want to call the report, it's tough to answer specifically. Assuming that whatever method you are using requires you to use the ReportingService (or 2005) webservice, then you'll want to look into the SetReportParameters method. Using that, you can capture the parameters from your own interface, and set them in the report. If you hide them in the report, the user won't know that they are there, even if you use the ReportViewer control. As always, the more info you can give, the more likely we can help.

    As an aside, you might want to look at the RSExplorer sample app from MS. It's actually a pretty decent sample of how to use the various pieces, and I wish that we had had it years ago when we were struggling through the learning curve.

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