What about "field certification"?

  • I was wondering if any of you were aware of the movement to create "field certifications"? Take a look at this site, and tell me what you think:


    If this takes off, it may resolve the issues that many people have with the certification process. You would not only be able to prove your "book knowledge" about a given topic, but you would also be able to demonstrate that you actually know how to perform your job function. Experienced DBAs would be able to validate their experience, while entry-level people would be able to demonstrate that they are worth taking a chance on.

    I think this is a great idea. What do you think?

    “If you're not outraged at the media, you haven't been paying attention.”

  • Interesting idea. Like any cert, if they keep the standards high, it could end up being worth what it costs to take it. How much and how high, I guess depends on what you want from it!



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